1984 Citadel Lizardman

One of my favourites from my old collection, a Citadel Lizardman from 1984. This has some nice detail around the face, is quite a dark metal and is almost free from defects bar a slight mould line behind the bow.

I decided that painting this would be my first project on returning to the hobby.


Preparation was as simple as glueing the figure to a spare base and giving it an undercoat of Vallejo white paint-on primer.

All of the main areas of colour were applied using thin washes of watered down Vallejo Game Colour’s. Jade Green being used for the skin areas. Subsequent darker washes were used to provide some extra shading and then lighter glazes used to pick out some areas of highlight. This was the first time I had seriously used these techniques but it didn’t turn out too bad.

Towards the end I reverted to my tried and tested dry brushing technique to pick out the brightest highlights. I also made the mistake perhaps of using solid colour to paint the various straps and decorations. I didn’t like the way this looked so returned to washes and dry brushing for the quiver.

The last step for painting the main figure was to pick out the teeth, claws and spikes with increasingly whiter mixes of bone white and to paint the eyes red.

Here are the results so far. All that is left to do is decorate the base and varnish the whole model. It’s by no means a perfect job but not bad for my first attempt in 22 years!



Update: Finally finished the base off with milliput, dry brushing, muddy coloured wash and gloss varnish.





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