

I probably painted my last miniature over 22 years ago. For the 9 years before that role playing games, tabletop wargaming and miniature painting were a huge part of my weekly routine. This was after all a time before PC’s, the web, playstation, girls  and legal drinking.

Recently some friends expressed an interest in starting to play Warhammer and the following conversations reignited an interest I thought long past. Eventually I hope to get back into tabletop gaming but for now I’m going to enjoy working on some individual models just to see if it’s like riding a bike or not.

Who or what is kuriojichan? that’s me… kind of. My neice and nephews in Japan use it as a nickname of sorts for me. I quite like it so decided to make use of it more.

“kuri” is a shortened version of kurisu (Chris). It also means chestnut.

“ojichan” is a childish form of “ojisan” which means uncle.

So there you have it “uncle chestnut”.

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